Comfast WiFi Extender Not Helping to Boost Signals [Resolved]

It is seen that many Comfast users are facing problems with their WiFi repeaters these days. A major proportion of users are complaining that their extenders are not doing the task they are intended to do. In other words, their Comfast WiFi extender not helping to boost signals. Are you also finding yourself in the mess of the same problem? If you’ve answered the question with yes, the tips given in this write-up can help you out. But, before everything else, we want to make you familiar with the working of a WiFi extender so that you can understand why your repeater is unable to do the signal-boosting task.

How Does a Comfast WiFi Extender Work?

As soon as you’re done with the Comfast setup, the extender will start amplifying the signals emitted by your main router. However, this job does not get completed until you create a connection between the router and extender and command the latter to extend the signals emitted by the former one. Therefore, your devices need to be in constant connection with each other if you want your Comfast WiFi extender to boost WiFi signals. Therefore, before you learn other reasons causing the issue and run to troubleshoot them, consider checking the connection between your router and extender.

If your devices are sharing a wireless connection, then ensure that both are separated by a safe distance. In other words, they must be in a clear line of sight with each other but not too close. Otherwise, you are likely to witness dire consequences including the Comfast WiFi extender not helping as a result of a clash between their signals.

Just in case you have connected your cables with the assistance of an Ethernet cable, consider checking the Ethernet cable thoroughly. If there are cuts on it, replace it with a new one immediately. Additionally, be certain that the cable does not have any cuts on it. However, if everything is well with the connection between your devices, then other factors might have arranged this foul play. What are those factors? Let’s find out.

Why is Comfast WiFi Extender Not Helping?

  • Apart from the improper connection between the router and extender, WiFi interference can be the reason why your range extender is not helping to boost signals. Perhaps, you’ve placed your extender in an area where it is experiencing maximum WiFi interference.

  • Another reason due to which your Comfast WiFi extender not helping to boost WiFi signals is that you haven’t updated the firmware. Know that updating the firmware adds performance-improving features to the extender and fixes bugs.

  • There is also a possibility that your range extender has fallen a victim to minor glitches and that is why it is not doing the assigned job. This is to inform you that technical glitches are potentially enough to damage your extender forever.

Fixed: Comfast WiFi Extender Not Helping

The previous section focused on the reasons why you are facing problems with your range extender. Now it is time to learn the hacks that can be used to fix the issue. Mentioned below are the points that will explain how to resolve the problem. If these hacks don’t work in your favor, then you should know how to set up Comfast WiFi extender as you will be left with no hack other than performing a factory reset and setting up the extender from scratch.

  • First of all, remove all the WiFi interference-creating factors from the surrounding of your wireless extender. Some examples of factors creating signal interference are televisions, microwave ovens, refrigerators, Bluetooth speakers, baby monitors, aquariums, and lustrous surfaces.

  • Log in to your Comfast range extender and see if it is flashing the latest version of the firmware. In case you discover that the firmware is outdated, do not delay installing the latest firmware version on the range extender. However, the file uploaded should be correct.

  • Lastly, restart your range extender to resolve technical glitches. It can be done by keeping the extender powered off for a few moments and powering it up back. Just in case you’re still stuck, factory reset the extender.

Everything Considered

With this, we are wrapping up the post that explained what to do if your Comfast WiFi extender not helping to boost WiFi signals. Here, you learned how the router-extender connection, firmware version, and technical glitches affect your extender’s performance. It is assumed that you will take care of every important thing and will be able to fix the issue with ease.