Refused To Connect? Let’s Fix it!

Nowadays, many Netgear extender users have been facing the issue while they are trying to access the default web address of their extender. If you are also experiencing a godforsaken refused to connect issue. If yes then you might be facing this issue due to a couple of reasons. In this post, we will highlight the reasons that drag you to face this issue along with suitable solutions, so that you can enjoy uninterrupted services from the Netgear extender and will be able to get access to

Well, as we mentioned first we will tell you about the causes of why you face the refused to connect issue. All the reasons are listed below:

         Weak Internet Network

         use of Outdated Internet browser

         Usage of an incorrect default web address

         Technical Glitches

         Wrong default credentials

         Damaged Ethernet Cable

Thus, these are the reasons that might be creating the issues while getting access to the default web address of the Netgear extender. But, you don’t need to worry about anything as we have suitable solutions for you to get rid of the issue.

Rectify Mywifiext.Net Refused to Connect

Numerous hacks will assist you, but in this section, we will tell you only effective methods that work and solve the issue hassle-free.

The following solutions will guide you properly:

Use the Correct Web Address

Many users use incorrect web addresses and this is the most obvious reason why many users face refusing to connect issue. For instance, there are two possible situations: the first one is that; you insert the web address into the search bar instead of the address bar. The second situation is that you make a typing mistake in a hurry and put the wrong web address.

Thus, we recommend you always use the right web address in the address bar when you perform a new netgear extender setup.

In case you are unaware of the default information of your extender then you can take the help of the user manual.

Update the Firmware

It is very important to keep the firmware of the device updated. As firmware plays a crucial role in electronic devices. With the help of firmware, the software functions work error-free, so we suggest you check your firmware version first. If you found your firmware running into an old version then update it as soon as you can.

Remove Technical Glitches

Technical glitches also could be the reason you face the refused to connect. To get rid of technical glitches we recommend you restart your device.

Now, you might be thinking about how to reboot the Netgear extender, well it is quite simple. You just need to perform some steps:

  • Initially, you need to turn off the extender and remove the extender from the socket.
  • Now, give some recovery time to the Netgear extender.
  • Thereafter, you need to put the extender back into the power socket.
  • Press down the Turn on button.

Now, your device is restarted properly.

Check the Internet Connection

A weak internet connection also creates the issue while getting the default web address access. So, we suggest you check your internet speed first. If you found your internet working at a glacial rate, then contact your internet service provider to fix the internet speed.

You also need to ensure that the Ethernet cable connection should not lose. The end of the Ethernet is properly inserted into the device’s Ethernet ports.

Update Internet Browser

If your internet browser runs on the oldest version then you never get access to your extender web address, as an old version of the browser does not support the default web address. Thus, update your extender as soon as possible to get access to

Hence, these are the hacks that you need to perform to solve the refused to connect issue.


Now, you know very well how to deal with refused to connect issue. Following the troubleshooting tips mentioned above will assist you correctly. Apart from it, you can also drop a comment regarding the post for your fellow readers.